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Uncovering the Hidden Polluter: The Shocking Truth About Cigarette Butts

by AUKO 2023. 4. 24.

Climate activists in Portugal have taken a bold and creative step to raise awareness about the detrimental impact of cigarette butts on the environment. 

Noe on the butt mountain
Noe on the Cigarette Butt Mountain - AFP News capture

On Sunday, they gathered 650,000 cigarette butts and piled them up in the heart of Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal. The effort was aimed at hightlighting the often-overlooked form of pollution caused by cigarette butts.


The activists collected enough cigarette butts to fill 40 plastic buckets and then piled them up in a mound. German climate campaigner Andres Noe, who was behild the project, climbed on to the pile wearing a breathing apparatus to protect himself from the toxins in the non-biogradable butts. Noe had colleted about a million cigarette butts in two months in a previous effort.


In an interview, Noe said, “Plastic is hidden in cigarette butts, and many people don’t know it. We asked everyone in Portugal to take part in this community project to raise awaremenss about plasti pollution because cigarette butts are a beautiful example of how someone can start to take action against littering, ocean pollution, and ultimately the climate crisis."


David Figueira, who took part in the project, said, “We want to put an end to this problem by encouraging people to throw their butts in the bin or pocket ashtrays - anywhere but on the ground."

Cigarette Butts activist in Lisbon

The effort by the climate activists is commendable, especially given the fact that cigarette butts are often seen as small and insignificant forms of litter. However, these butts are not biodegradable, and they contain plastic that can pollute the environment and harm wildlife.


The harmful effects of cigarette butts on the environment are well-documented. According to a report by Ocean Conservancy, cigarette butts are the most common form of litter found on beaches and other waterways worldwide. Cigarette butts can take years to decompose, and they can release toxic chemicals that can contaminate the soil and water.


In addition to the environmental impact, cigarette butts also pose a significant fire hazard. According to the US Fire Administration, cigarette butts are the leading cause of fires in residential buildings.


The effort by the climate activists in Portugal is an excellent example of how a small step can create a significant impact. By raising awareness about the negative impact of cigarette butts on the environment, the activists hope to encourage people to change their behavior and dispose of cigarette butts responsibly.


While governments and organizations have taken steps to reduce cigarette butt litter, there is still a long way to go. More education and awareness campaigns are needed to encourage people to dispose of cigarette butts responsibly. Additionally, governments can take measures such as imposing fines for littering and providing more designated smoking areas to reduce cigarette butt litter.

Cigarette butts

In conclusion, the effort by climate activists in Portugal to raise awareness about the negative impact of cigarette butts on the environment is commendable. Cigarette butts are often seen as small and insignificant forms of litter, but they can have a significant impact on the environment and wildlife. By encouraging people to dispose of cigarette butts responsibly, the activists hope to create a cleaner and healthier environment for all.




